Parshat Mikeitz By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman

Parshat Mikeitz
By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron
לשכנו תדרשו

 Seeking the Holy Presence in Our Holy Land
 "הנמצא כזה איש אשר רוח א-הים בו... ויוסף הוא השליט על הארץ" (בראשית מא-מב, ו)

"Upon Israel, and upon our sages, and upon their disciples, and upon all the disciples of their disciples, and upon all those who occupy themselves with the Torah, in this [holy (in the Land of Israel)] place or in any other place, upon them and upon you, may there be abundant peace, grace, kindness, compassion, long life, ample sustenance and deliverance, from their Father in heaven; and say, Amen."[1] 

Torah, its study and practice, is what gives our People dominion and blessing to such a state that all nations will exclaim, just as Pharoh said upon Yosef in our title quote, "who is great like this People who have such righteous laws and statutes like all this Torah etc."[2]  Indeed, both the stories of Yosef and Hanuka are stories of how spiritual greatness ultimately lead to manifest political power and prestige, despite the great odds. 

In regard to Yosef, it is important to understand that this spiritual greatness was quite probably due in part to his upbringing in Hebron, which the Zohar equates with Torah greatness, for a Torah scholar is called a "haber".[3] In regard to Hanuka, a key question is, "what is so special about the miracle of Hanuka that it was instituted to be a forever-binding holiday - behold, many miracles, similar to oil lasting eight days, happened to Israel that were not instituted as holidays?" 

In explaining the reason for the institution of Hanuka, Rambam clinches with the following sentence: "They appointed a king from the priests, and sovereignty returned to Israel for more than 200 years, until the destruction of the Second Temple."[4] This means that a major part of the miracle of Hanuka is the return of national sovereignty to Israel for an extended and important period of time. As we have shown before, the sovereignty of Israel is deeply rooted to the Land of Israel, as our Sages teach that a king must be appointed only after entering the Land and may be appointed only within the Land.[5]

Hebron, in turn, as the roots of Israel's connection to the Land of Israel and as the first kingdom of David, holds a crucial place in the establishment of Israel's sovereignty in the Land of Israel.  Indeed, also today we see how Hebron is key in reinforcing and leading the message of Israel's sovereignty in the Land of Israel. It is with this consistent message, stemming from our spiritual roots to this Land, that we show ourselves and the world at large, that we are deeply and spiritually rooted to our Holy Land, Land of the Holy Presence. Just as HaShem provided us miracles in the past by this spiritual greatness, so too we trust fully that He will show us such miracles as then at this time.

Real Stories from the Holy Land #46: "For more than a year, I have hitchhiked numbers of times a day to Ma'arat HaMachpela from Kiryat Arba. Throughout this whole period, even though many police vehicles have passed by me, never have they stopped to give me a ride (they're probably busy with their work). Suddenly, last week, on two separate occasions and different times of day, and by different police, I was voluntarily (without signing to hitchhike) given a ride by the police (without being arrested J) to Ma'arat HaMachpela. Then I remembered how the parsha told how Joseph was prosperous even in jail..."

[1]Kadish Derabanan
[2]Deut. 4, 8
[3]Zohar 3, 160a
[4]Rambam Megila veHanuka, 3, 1
[5]Sifri on Deut. 17, 15